Make the most of your Freelance Visa to have a great time in the UAE
Any UAE Free Zone Authority will accept a freelancer visa or freelance permit holder’s ability to work as a freelance professional.
If you are a lone practitioner, you can use your given name instead of a business name. You must choose a jurisdiction (the Mainland or one of the Free Zones), a sector of work, and acquire the necessary paperwork and licenses in order to operate as a freelancer.
In Dubai, a freelancer’s license is only good for a year before needing to be renewed.
Qualifications for UAE Freelance Applications Visa
Talent at the greatest level is concentrated in Dubai. Because of this, a lot of professionals are looking to move somewhere with high living standards that are on par with those in Western nations and no personal income tax. This explains the popularity of the Freelance Permit in Dubai. Professionals can live their ideal lives and take advantage of everything Dubai has to offer while working remotely.
To apply for a UAE Freelance Visa, you need to meet the following requirements:

Common paperwork for the UAE Freelance Visa application
The procedure for applying for a freelance permit differs depending on the free zone in which you register.
Common Freelance Visa required documents
Get in touch with us right now to ask for a quote on a UAE freelance visa package!
1Pro centre DMCC core mission is to make your UAE freelance visa application and other processes as simple and smooth as possible.
We make this happen by providing you with the expert help to decide on which freezone accurately matches your credentials and eligibility and will provide you with better freelancing benefits and less costing.
Apart from this, we take care of all aspects of your UAE freelance visa application while guiding you in every step, from inquiry to the successful and approval of your freelance visa.
Here is a list of the services that are included in our UAE Golden Visa Package: